Hi there,
since updating from v10.2 to v18.1 the DoublePositiveWithSpin doesn't work when clicking the part after the comma and trying to modify the value with arrow keys. It only works using the part before the comma. Was there some change in the API that I'm not aware of?
UltraGridColumn columnEmissivity = m_ultraGrid.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].Columns[iRowEmissivity];columnEmissivity.Style = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.ColumnStyle.DoublePositiveWithSpin;columnEmissivity.MaskInput = "-nn.nn";Thanks in advance
PS: I also tried using a sample I found somewhere on this website together with v19.1 which didn't change anything.
Hello Florian,
Thank you for contacting Infragistics!
I have done some looking into this matter and have some questions. What version/service release of v18.1 and v19.1 are you using? When I test this with v19.1.150 I do not reproduce the issue in most cases. I only see this when the starting value is 0.00. Do you see this behavior in any other case?
I'm using 18.1.20181.305 and 19.1.20191.82 and can confirm that your solution file works.
In my sample mentioned above with 19.1.20191.82 it still doesn't work:
Do you have any hint what might be the reason?