I set the DataSource to a two column DataTable
I set the ValueMember to the first column
I set the DisplayMember to the second column
Once the user selects a row, How can I see the "SelectedValue", like I could with a WIndows ComboBox?
UltraCombo1.Value is an object. I just want the first column value of the selected row.
Um... why can't you use the Value property?
Value will return the DataValue of the row the user selected. So that seems like it's exactly what you want. The property if of type Object because you can use any data type and your ValueMember column can be any data type. And the SelectedValue of the inbox ComboBox control is also an object. So that seems like it's exactly what you want.SelectedRow is actually not a good thing to use, because the SelectedRow will not be set if, for example, you load up your application and set the value of the combo (as opposed to the user dropping down the list and choosing an item).