Hello fellows,
I have a simple Column Chart bind to a simple datatable, with Two columns, 1. DepartmentName 2. Total. Department name has Lables whereas Total has the data. I want to display data value of each bar/ Department along with the Legends. When I use the following Syntax, i get the last Data value for each Legend
legend.FormatString=<ITEM_LABEL> (<DATA_VALUE:00.00>
Is it possible to Display Data Values in the legend for column chart.
Hello Zia,
Thank you for posting in our forums!
If you are beginner, then I would recommend you to use UltraDatachart instead, since UltraChart is a old control and UltraDatChart is much more feature rich and have better performance.
You can find examples of the UltraDataChart and documents here:
UltraDataChart Samples : www.infragistics.com/.../overviewDocs: https://ko.infragistics.com/help/winforms/datachart-datachart
Now about legend formatString look like you are using the correct property but may be missing “)” bracket is causing the issue , try this: "<DATA_VALUE:##.##>"
Also I did some research and find this post might also help, provide multiple ways to display column values in legend in UltraChart.
If you need further assistance with this, please let me know.
Divya Jain
Thank You Jain for quick response.Yes I'm beginner and Ultrachart is easy to bind with database/ datatable then dataChart.
Sorry for the typing mistak here is my correct code:
UltraChart1.Legend.FormatString = "<ITEM_LABEL>" & "<DATA_VALUE:##.##>"
You can see that all legends display the last Data Value instead of their corresponding values.