If I have a Composite Chart with two NumericTimeSeries, but don't have values on all dates for both series, why can't I just graph the values from one point to the next.
E.g. if I have the following datatable:
It seems the only options I have for Null handling are Zero, InterpolatedSimple, DontPlot or Custom. I just want to graph directly from one value to the next. It seems the only way I can do this is to copy my values onto the dates on my other series, like so:
But this then displays dots on the graph, when there is no change on those dates.
Is there a way to do this?
Hello Campbell,
Thank you for contacting Infragistics. Are you looking for LinearInterpolate where the line continues to the next point? Please refer to the following topic. Which chart type are using?
Thanks Michael. I can't see LinearInterpolate as an option. I'm using a Composite chart type with layer chart type of Line Chart. However, I've managed to resolve my issue by creating an additional data point on each date, setting NullHandling to InterpolateSimple, and setting MidPointAnchors to false.