In the UltraWebGrid Designer in the section "Bands -> Column Arrangement Overview ("Use Groups and Levels" selected) -> Design Column Arrangement Now" there are icons to the left of each of the columns. What do these icons represent? Is there documentation?
Hi Trevor,
Did you mean WinGrid? You said "UltraWebGrid Designer", but this is the WinForms forum.
In WinGrid, I think the icons just represent bands and column. There are probably different icons for bound and unbound columns.
Thanks for getting back to me. I did mean WinGrid - right forum, bad typer. I was looking at it further and it does look like bound vs. unbound, thanks.
So now I've bounded all my columns, which is good. Now when there is no data present none of the column headers show up. Is there a setting to change this behavior? I want the column headers to always appear in the grid!