Fairly new to infragistics - when dragging an UltraTextEditor on to my Win(form) (from a datasource) a normal Windows Label is created, is it possible to have an UltraLabel created by default.
I'd hate to have delete all the auto created Windows labeld and replace them manually with UltraLabels...
Any pointers much appreciated.
I'm not sure what you're referring to here. Where are you getting the link to the UltraTextEditor such that it is automatically creating a .NET Label in addition to itself?
Thanks for the prompt reply.
I have several bound datasources, Eg Product. This has several properties Name, Desc etc.
I set the default "Type" of these to UltraTextEditors in the DataSource window and drag on to my form. Two controls are added, a Windows label "NameLabel" and a UltraTextEditor "NameUltraTextEditor".
We would like all out controls to be infragistics so we delete the WIndows label and drag an UltraLabel in its place.
There are 4 developers here are we are all experiencing the same issue - I can send you screenshots of a step by step if it helps.
Do these appear in the Server Explorer window when you build them? I am a little confused as to the steps that you acheive this; could you attach a quick sample, unless you have those screenshots handy? With this being said, it doesn't sound like this is going to be anything that we have any control over, but I'll be happy to play around with it for a little bit.
I guess what I'm confused about is the "data source" window, and what is meant by "adding a data source to the project'. I know typed DataSets and the like, and I'm almost positive I've seen what you are talking about, but I can't recall how to access it. In thinking about it, I am still not sure that there is anythign that can be done as it's just generating a label for the specified type, and we're not in the call stack, but I'd want to test it out before saying for certain.
Sounds exactly like my issue