I have an UltraDayView that I default to 7 selected days. This looks great in my app, but I have a problem when I attempt to click on a day and make it the active day. How do I know which day has been clicked? I am also trying to set a background color on days that are holidays, but again haven't found a way to do this for a specific day in the selected days.
Can anyone offer any assistance?
Randall Luce
1. You can use the GetVisibleDayFromPoint method to get the day that has been clicked.
2. To set the background color for a specific day:
UltraCalendarLook calendarLook = dayView.CalendarLook;DayLook dayLook = calendarLook.GetDayLook( someDate, true );dayLook.Appearance.BackColor = Color.Green;
Setting the color this way doesn't seem to work for the UltraDayView control. Works great for the UltraMonthView. I have had some success with displaying a single day and setting the worktime appearance. Using this same method doesn't seem to work when dealing with multiple columns in the UltraDayView control.