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Assigning value to UltraCalculatorDropDown

I am having difficulties assigning values to the UltraCalculatorDropDown.

Firstly, set your region to one that has comma as the decimal separator.

Then set calculator.Value = 123M

This sets the value in the calculator text box, and when you click the down arrow you see the same value in the calculator.

Now set calculator.Value = 234.00M (note the zeros)

This correctly sets the value in the calculator text box, but when you click the down arrow, it has reset to 0.

The only way I can get this to parse the value correctly is setting AutoDetectDecimalSymbol = false and DecimalSymbol = ".".  However, this then means the calculator displays in the wrong format for the locale.

Am I missing something, or is this a bug?

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  • 7575
    Offline posted

    Hello Campbell,

    Thank you for your post. Off the calculator there is a property called 'CalculatorDropDownStyle' ,set it to 'KeepCurrentValue' should avoid the the issue where it turned the value back to 0. Like this:

    this.ultraCalculatorDropDown1.CalculatorDropDownStyle = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinEditors.UltraWinCalc.CalculatorDropDownStyle.KeepCurrentValue;

    Let me know if this help with your scenario.
