I'm using the ultraDateTimeEditor in my form. I put the mast input = {date} {time}. But the case is when I select a date from the drop down it only displays the selected date and the time is always 12:00:AM. I need the present time to display there irrespective of the date selected. What can I do to obtain this?
Any help will be appriciated.
With Regards,
Hi SreeRam,
I don't see any way to do this. There's no event that fires only when the user selects a value from the list. The ValueChanged will fire any time the value changes, so I don't see how you could distinguish between the user typing into the control and selecting a date from the dropdown.
You should Submit a feature request to Infragistics that an event be added that fires only when a date is selected from the list.
Hi Mike,
Thanks for your reply. Actually if you observe the DateTimePicker control provided in C#, if we select a date from the control's dropdown menu it displays the picked date in the control. If we check the value of that control by using MessageBox or anything else, it will also contains the time.But in our UltraDateTimeEditor the time is always12:00 AM. Here I just mentioned it for your understand not for comparison purpose. Anyway once again thanks for your response. I'll submit a feature request to Infragistics.
And the other thing is, can I inherit the control and add the required functionalites to this UltraDateTimeEditor?