1. I am having problems with handling transparancy in the UltraMonthViewMultiple control. Basically, I need a medium alpha level on all elements on the control, including month header, calendar, etc. It seems like the control alpha blend up against a black background, and also the month header is not affected at all. How do I makefull alpha blending with my forms background?
2. I want to set background color, and font details for the month header. How do I set the appearance of the month header?
Thanks in advance,
This is the gist of it:
short alphaLevel = 128; UltraCalendarLook calendarLook = this.monthViewMulti.CalendarLook;
// MonthHeaderAppearance calendarLook.MonthHeaderAppearance.BackColorAlpha = Alpha.UseAlphaLevel; calendarLook.MonthHeaderAppearance.ForegroundAlpha = Alpha.UseAlphaLevel; calendarLook.MonthHeaderAppearance.AlphaLevel = alphaLevel;
// ScrollButtonAppearance this.monthViewMulti.ScrollButtonAppearance.BackColorAlpha = Alpha.UseAlphaLevel; this.monthViewMulti.ScrollButtonAppearance.AlphaLevel = alphaLevel;
// Control's Appearance this.monthViewMulti.Appearance.BackColorAlpha = Alpha.UseAlphaLevel; this.monthViewMulti.Appearance.BackColorAlpha = Alpha.UseAlphaLevel; this.monthViewMulti.Appearance.AlphaLevel = alphaLevel;
Hi both,
Thans for your replies, it works like a charm :)
However, I have a few more issue that I cannot find the solution for:
3. I have a system with users talking multiple language. For that reason, I cannot use the regional settings to control the naming of days and months. Is there any way, I manually can define the name for the week days, and the name for the months?
4. Also, I wanna change the font size of the monthheader. I am able to change the forecolor, bold, underline, etc. But nothing seems to happen, when I change the font name and the font size (calendarLook.MonthHeaderAppearance.FontData.SizeInPoints + .Name)
Thanks in advance,Thomas
The UltraMonthViewMulti control does not support separate elements for the months and years, only a popup that scrolls through the months. If you like you can submit a feature request for this.
I am using UltraCalendar. I need to display the Calendar in the below format in the image file. Is it possible? Please reply me how do i needful settings.
Thanks & Regards,
3. See UltraCalendarInfo.DaysOfWeek collection. The DayOfWeek object exposes two properties, 'ShortDescription' and 'LongDescription', which enable you to override the local machine's current culture in that regard.
4. Try setting the control's OverrideFontSettings property to true.