the datasource for the ultragrid is SQL data rows. one of the columns "SortOrder" is int type in SQL.
when I click on the header of this column, it does the sorting, but it sorts the column treating the numbers as strings. The result is like 1 10 11 12 .....2 20 21...
How do I config the column setting to enable numeric sort?
Thank you,
If the data is being sorted as strings, then it must be string data in the grid. Your data source must somehow be converting the ints into strings for some reason.
I seem to have this problem too. However, the underlying data is Integer, but I have a valuelist that converts the Integer value to String. When I sort, it still sorts the data by display value (string) rather than by underlying data value. Is there any way when I sort, it sorts by underlying value and not by display text?