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"An error occured.." while running the Toolbox Tab Utility

While running the "Create Visual Studio Toolbox Tab" utlity from the start menu, I get the error message:

An error occured while attempting to add the Infragistics components to the toolbox

The message box shown also points to this log file:

C:\Users\ukeim\Documents\Infragistics\Tools\Toolbox Utility\Toolbox Utility.log

Which is actually zero bytes in length. I.e. completely empty.

Question: Any hints on what I can do to resolve and get the Infragistics toolbox tab in Visual Studio?

My configuration is:

  • NetAdvantage Version 8,2 with latest Hotfix 
  • Windows Vista Enterprise (German)
  • Vistual Studio 2008 Professional, English
  • VS-Plug-in: ReSharper 4.1
  • VS-Plug-in: Vanatec Open Access
  • VS-Plug-in: Ants Profiler 4
  • I ran the utility both as normal user and administrator with the same results


No Data
  • 70

    Addition: I also have installed the "PowerCommands for Visual Studio 2008" which some report to be an issue sometimes.

    I uninstalled them and now I am at least able to manually choose the toolbox items (before uninstalling, this lead to a crash of VS with ".NET Runtime version 2.0.50727.3053 - Fatal Execution Engine Error (72B05E00) (80131506)" in the event log, event ID is 1023, event source ".NET Runtime").

    Still the Infragistics Toolbox Tab Utility brings an error.
