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Designer Weirdness

I recently started to see some very strange behavior when I try to add an UltraGrid control to an existing UserControl derived class.

Whenever I drag the UltraGrid from the toolbox and drop it on the control, VS will grind away for several seconds and then display it at the bottom of the designer window. It is not rendered on top of the UserControl. The UltraGrid did not end up a child of the UserControl class. When I tried to drag the UltraGrid control in the Document Outline window to make it a child, VS would crash.

So I asked a coworker to add the UltraGrid for me, which he was able to do without any problem. When I open it in the VS designer, the UltraGrid is a child of the UserControl, but it is still shown a the bottom of the window. I cannot launch the custom property editor for the UltraGrid.

I can add UltraGrids to a trivial test project.

We recently upgraded our projects from NetAdvantage 8.1 to 8.2. I uninstalled 8.1 shortly before this problem started. Since then, I reinstalled 8.1 but that did not help. The UltraCombo also shows this same problem.

I am using VS 2008.

Any ideas?


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  • 45049

    Check the reference to the Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.v8.2 assembly (or the corresponding assembly in another version).  If the CopyLocal property of this reference is set to true, set it to false.

    If this is the cause of your problem, then what's happening is that Visual Studio can't find the design-time assembly for WinGrid.  This is because you have a copy of the runtime assembly in the bin of your application (thanks to the CopyLocal = true setting), and the design-time assembly isn't there with it.  This confuses Visual Studio, and you end up with your WinGrid in the component tray, and it loses much of its design-time functionality (or, as you've seen, can sometimes crash).

    There may be other things that would cause the WinGrid assembly to be in the bin of your project, which will cause the same problem.  I can't advise how to address those situations withiout knowing more, but regardless of why it's in the bin directory, you'll need to get it out.
