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Is there an default Drag and Drop behavior for ultratree


I need the drag and drop behavior shown in SDK examples. Here a seperate DrawFilter is implemented. Does infragistics supply a default DrawFilter like the one in the example. It seems a bit complicated for me to have to  implement and code my own draw filter.



  • 69832
    Offline posted

    No, there is no default IUIElementDrawFilter implementation. Actually, the IUIElementDrawFilter interface solves the general problem of custom drawing, and the WinTree Drag Drop sample just happens to make use of it.

    The actual drag drop code is very simple, so you don't necessarily need to implement the IUIElementDrawFilter interface to enable drag/drop capability. You can get a general idea of how drag drop is implemented by examining the code in the SelectionDragStart, DragOver, QueryContinueDrag, and DragDrop event handlers. If you have any specific questions, you can post here an we will try to help.

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