Hi. I am evaluating your product. Everytime I try to add a datasoucre to your grid (using the property windows of VS and selecting a class in another project) visual studio stops responding. Is this a known issue ?
Is there a fix for this ?
This does not appear to be recursive, unless maybe PartyType is an object list that references a list of more PartyTypes.
How exactly are setting the grid's DataSource? I'm not sure what you mean by
mthgrondin said:selecting a class in another project
You may need to create a BindingSource to wrap your object for binding.
Did you try setting MaxBandDepth?
Yes I tried MaxBandDepth (setting it to 5 and it worked) now I have another problem VS2008 IDE keeps crashing evrytime I try to open the form with the ultragrid on it.
As for setting the datasource of the grid I use the property windows - > Datasource -> Add project datasource -> Select the PartyType class
Right now I am thinking of going back to vs2005.. Is the crashing issue Infragistics related or its just that VS2008 is buggy ?
Thanks for the help. Any sample showing how to create a bindingsource wrapper ? In the ideal scenario I would like to select witch properties of my object would be bound to the grid. For example, partyType inherit from LiquidBO but I don't want the properties of the base object to be bound to the grid (even if they can be hidden).
For now the crashing is the main problem...