I am coding in C# and using the UltraWinGrid for my project and I need to be able to display a progressbar either as part of the control that contains the ultragrid or as a popup control that comes up when the grid is loading data. My other option is just to use the ultrastatusbar.
My issue is that the examples provided on the website do not really seem to pertain to my situation. This example,
http://devcenter.infragistics.com/Support/KnowledgeBaseArticle.aspx?ArticleID=9838, is doing most of what I want to do except for the fact it has to respond to a button click in order to work. What I want to happen simply this, I want to launch my progrom; a form containing a ultragrid, while the ultragrid is loading data I want a popup control to come up or the ultrastatusbar to display the progress of the data being loaded into the grid. Is this possible? Please advise.
Hi Adrian,
I do not understand your question. Which part of this is giving you trouble?
The grid doesn't have any ability to load data and report it's progress or anything like that. So there's no progress meter as far as the grid loading data goes. If your data source can do this, then you would simply set the value of the ProgressBar / StatusBar as it progresses.
I took a look at the KB article you mentioned. What does the fact that it's using a button have to do with it? Can you just start the same process whenever you want?
Hello Mike,
Well, I pretty much concluded the same thing that the ultragrid does not have the ability to report it's progress as it is loading data after looking through the forum here and the articles in knowledgebase. However, this is pretty much the functionality that I need to address this request I have right now.
My ultragrid is assigned data as such; this.TableAdapter.Fill(this.DataSet.DB_Table), so I am not setting the datasource like in the example provided in that article link in my previous posting. So I am not sure as to how to go about using the progress bar to show the status of the data loading into the grid without a button click. I understand that there is no conventional way to go about doing this, but I am open to any suggestions. If you can point me in the right direction it would be appreciated.
Hello! i'm having an issue with the same article you guys are referring to.I have an implementation here to which the method suggested doesn't fit to.And since i'm a bit new with all this it kinda challenge for me.
Here i go.
i'm fetching the data from a webservice. i have a webservice datasource and i bind the datasource to the ultragrid.That means i can't use the loop stuff for performance sake.so how do i use the reportprogress method and especially how do i pass the percentage value?Can anyone give me an advice or guide m through this?thanks for reading this, and thanks for answering
dawsona0526 said:My ultragrid is assigned data as such; this.TableAdapter.Fill(this.DataSet.DB_Table), so I am not setting the datasource like in the example provided in that article link in my previous posting.
I'm not sure what you mean by this. TableAdapter.Fill fills the data table. It has nothing to do with the grid, really. The grid's DataSource must be set at some point.
I'm afraid I don't have any good suggestions for you here. The grid loads dynamically. So there's no way it can report any kind of progress, because it is never really "done".
As far as I know, the DataTable doesn't have any kind of progress reporting, either. So even if you could report progress on the grid, it still would not include the time it takes to actually load the DataTable, which is probably the majority of the loading time, anyway.