Is there any way to put an ultrachart in an ultrawingrid?
Ideally I'd like to show the chart in a child row, and therefore only needs to be populated when the users drills down into the data. The data in this grid isn't consistent. The grid sits in a form that is a generic form used to display report data. Not all reports will use this feature.
If it is possible could you provide some sample code in VB.NET on what I need to do?
On a similar note, is it possible to add custom controls to work as stated above?
Many thanks,
Hi Nathan,
No, there's no easy way to embed a chart in a grid. A grid cell can only really contain an embeddable editor control, which includes a lot of controls like UltraTextEditor, UltraMaskedEdit, UltraProgressBar, and many many others, but not WinChart.
If you want to have a dropdown with a chart on it, or any other control, then that would be very easy using the UltraTextEditor with a DropDownEditorButton in the ButtonsRight or ButtonsLeft collection.
Hi Mike,
Bit of a blow however thanks for the response.
Mike Saltzman"] A grid cell can only really contain an embeddable editor control, which includes a lot of controls like UltraTextEditor, UltraMaskedEdit, UltraProgressBar, and many many others, but not WinChart.
A grid cell can only really contain an embeddable editor control, which includes a lot of controls like UltraTextEditor, UltraMaskedEdit, UltraProgressBar, and many many others, but not WinChart.
Is there an interface that the wingrid uses to determine whether it's an embeddable editor control? I'm wondering if there is an inteface to implement in order to create a custom control for the wingrid to accept.
Must admit I'm not to familiar with Ultrachart but I have seen this method recommended with other reporting type products. If Ultrachart can be rendered to a picture how about just showing that in the grid?
Hi Nick,
I have tried this, however I could only get the ultrachart to save an image to file and then to convert that image into an image object in my class that gets bound to the grid. I couldn't get the chart to save a memorystream or get the image property of the chart to pass back an image. I then had the problem of trying to get the row to size accordingly, but I'm confident I could get around that. If the memorystream bit worked then I could probably get away with using an image. Having the system create potentially thousands of images on the disk in order to display in the grid isn't a very attractive option.