Hi to all,
I've done some test to put images on Report and seems that the images are handled at 96 DPI (standard Graphic resolution) also if the report is printed on a 1200 DPI laser color or other device different from the screen.
This means that in some situations the quality of printed images is very poor, also using img.Preferences.Compressor = Infragistics.Documents.Graphics.ImageCompressors.Flate.
Anyone have any idea to bypass this?
Eg: if you have bmp logo of 735x93 pix at 150DPI (4.90x0.62 inches) it on Report, and on paper, is printed 7.66 x 0.97 inches -> at 96 DPI WHY?
Thanks in advance.Davide
I would also like an answer to this, my pdfs look crap due to the low-res images and I really need to this to work or I will have to find another pdf product that works properly.
I was looking through the documentation tonight and saw in the Infragistics.Documents.Graphics namespace there is an enumeration for quality. It has high, medium, and low. I'll have to experiment with code tomorrow morning to see if I can figure out how to set quality, or maybe you can figure it out before me?