Hi to all,
I've done some test to put images on Report and seems that the images are handled at 96 DPI (standard Graphic resolution) also if the report is printed on a 1200 DPI laser color or other device different from the screen.
This means that in some situations the quality of printed images is very poor, also using img.Preferences.Compressor = Infragistics.Documents.Graphics.ImageCompressors.Flate.
Anyone have any idea to bypass this?
Eg: if you have bmp logo of 735x93 pix at 150DPI (4.90x0.62 inches) it on Report, and on paper, is printed 7.66 x 0.97 inches -> at 96 DPI WHY?
Thanks in advance.Davide
I had a scenerio work while testing out some ideas. Try something similar to what I paste below, and let me know if it works for you.
img.Preferences.Converter = Infragistics.Documents.Graphics.ImageConverters.RGB;
img.Preferences.Compressor = acompressor;
The JPEGCompressor constructor takes quality as the input, and I have it set to full quality.
Thanks Torrey, that really cleans up the artefacting and improves the output. Didn't fix the dpi issue but definitely helps.