i have got an wingrid in which i need to show the summary of all the rows, but one of the columns is a calculated column in which even the summary needs to be calculated ..
i would like to check for the divide by zero exception ..
is there anyway by which i can check before i assign the formula
summaryPercentageAppliedForReceived.Formula = "Sum([" + _applliedForAmountLabel + "]) / " + "Sum([" + _ReceivedAmountLabel + "])" ;
but this will work as long as the "Sum([" + _ReceivedAmountLabel + "])" is greater than zero . else it will disaply something Like NaN
so what i am looking for is something like
if ( "Sum([" + _ReceivedAmountLabel + "])" > 0)
"Sum([" + _applliedForAmountLabel + "]) / " + "Sum([" + _ReceivedAmountLabel + "])" ;
" 0 ";
can you please let me know if there is any other way i can do this.
thank you for your help in advance,
You could use the "if" function:
if ( Sum([B] > 0, Sum([A] / Sum([B], 0 )
Hi Mike,
Thank you for your reply,
may be i am doing something wrong, because when i try to set the value for it using the following statements it actually says invalid expression
and does not complie.
summaryPercentageAppliedForReceived.Formula = if ( "Sum([" + _applliedForAmountLabel + "])" > 0, "Sum([" + _applliedForAmountLabel + "]) / "+ "Sum([" + _ReceivedAmountLabel + "])" , 0);
if i do this
summaryPercentageAppliedForReceived.Formula = "if ( " + "Sum([ _applliedForAmountLabel ] > 0 " + "," + " Sum([ _applliedForAmountLabel]) / Sum([ _ReceivedAmountLabel ]) " + ", " + " 0)" ;
it shows me syntax error.
summaryPercentageAppliedForReceived.Formula = "if ( Sum([ _applliedForAmountLabel ]) > 0 , Sum([ _applliedForAmountLabel]) / Sum([ _ReceivedAmountLabel ]) , 0)" ;
it shows me #Ref! sign in the grid column.
if possible if you can send me some sample code how i can do it. it will be helpful for me.
Thank you.