Is there any possibility to select column through all bands without iterating through all rows and adding the cells to the selected cells collection?
My code:
foreach (UltraGridRow ugr in ultraGrid.Rows.GetRowEnumerator(GridRowType.DataRow, null, null)){if (ugr.Band.Index != prevBandIdx){ultraGrid.Selected.Cells.AddRange(listCell.ToArray());listCell.Clear();}listCell.Add(ugr.Cells[ugc.Key]);prevBandIdx = ugc.Band.Index;}
The solution above is not really with good performance. Thank you for your help.
How about this:
foreach (UltraGridBand band in this.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Bands) { this.ultraGrid1.Selected.Columns.Add(band.Columns["Boolean 1"].Header); }
Hi Mike
I tried your example but that does not work. It just selects the column of the first band...
Kind regsDan