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Grid background outside of Rounded Borders

I am using a grid with a Rounded4Thick border style on a dark background.  My requirements call for the background inside the border to be white, so I am setting the BackColor to Color.White.  The result leaves the small white spots in the area outside the border but inside the grid's rectangle...see the attachment.

Does anyone know of a way to set the color for that area...or at least set it to transparent?



P.S. Sorry for the ugly image...tried a few things to make it better but had no luck.

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  • 37774
    Verified Answer


    In order for the BackColor to not paint in that section, you would need to calculate the region of the control yourself.  Fortunately, there is already a method that will calculate this region based on the border style:

     this.ultraGrid1.Region = DrawUtility.CreateBorderRegion(new Rectangle(Point.Empty, this.ultraGrid1.Size), this.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.BorderStyle);

    You just have to make sure that you refresh this region each time that the grid is resized for whatever reason (i.e. docked/anchored in a form).

