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What property/method to check if new row is being added to grid or editing existing row?

I have a grid with a parent/child hierarchy.  Each band in the grid has its own RowEditTemplate.  I also display the Add New button (one for parent band and one for child band).  I'm using the "ultraGrid1_AfterRowActivate" event to display pop-ups (notices) that are potentially associated with each row in the grid.  My problem is...I don't want this logic (display pop-ups) to be executed if the user is either clicking the new row (has backcolor of lightyellow OR if they user clicks the Add New button.  I don't want these popups to display because they don't apply to the new row.  What method or row property should I check to see if the row that's selected is either a New row being added or an existing row that is being edited???