In my ultrawingrid, for one of the column I need to show currency symbol (like $20,000), so for this the datatype for the column is given as String, so since it is a string datatype it is sorting alphabatically, but I need to sort this according to the amount value given on header click action.
If you want to show a currency symbol in a column, you don't need to store the data as a string. Storing numeric values as strings will cause problems with sorting, filtering, and other areas.
What you should do is store the data as Currency or Decimal and then use the Format property of the grid column to format the display as currency.
I had given the format as e.Layout.Bands(0).Columns("Loan Amount").Format = "$#,##0.00"
but the problem here is if the value is negative it is showing like -$20,000 but it supposed to show like ($20,000)