I have very small numbers on the Y-axis, such as 0.00033 and 0.00046, etc. I am using the smart scaling, and it seems that the most it can do is two decimal places XX.XX. It shows the labels I want, but they all say 00, even though they show up. If I have one that has a bigger range, and I zoom it, it starts to show 00 once you past two digit resolution, yet it shows plenty of 00s. Since the labels do appear in those ranges, I want them to simply display the text to more digits, such as 0.0003, 0.0004. How do I make the labels show more digits? The extent is definitely big enough.
I should mention it's a line chart, and I have the following specified, as well as Smart scaling on both.this.chart.Axis.Y.Labels.ItemFormatString = "<DATA_VALUE:0.######>";this.chart.Axis.Y2.Labels.ItemFormatString = "<DATA_VALUE:0.######>";
try <DATA_VALUE:0.000000>