I have very small numbers on the Y-axis, such as 0.00033 and 0.00046, etc. I am using the smart scaling, and it seems that the most it can do is two decimal places XX.XX. It shows the labels I want, but they all say 00, even though they show up. If I have one that has a bigger range, and I zoom it, it starts to show 00 once you past two digit resolution, yet it shows plenty of 00s. Since the labels do appear in those ranges, I want them to simply display the text to more digits, such as 0.0003, 0.0004. How do I make the labels show more digits? The extent is definitely big enough.
I should mention it's a line chart, and I have the following specified, as well as Smart scaling on both.this.chart.Axis.Y.Labels.ItemFormatString = "<DATA_VALUE:0.######>";this.chart.Axis.Y2.Labels.ItemFormatString = "<DATA_VALUE:0.######>";
try <DATA_VALUE:0.000000>
can you post a screenshot, or steps to reproduce, or a sample project?
I have attached sample code which shows this exact problem. Seems it only goes down to XX.XX resolution.
You set ChartType property after setting up Axis properties. This caused your format strings to reset to their default values based on the assigned chart type. You don't really need to make all these property assignments in the form's constructor as it's already being done in the designer generated code. You can assign the chart type first, or you can just move the format string assignment into form_load event handler. Either way, it'll solve the problem.
Can you show me the fix in the above code I posted? I have moved all the axes stuff to after InitializeComponent() and still have the same problem.
Never mind, thanks very much for the help!!! Apparently I still had put it in the wrong spot.