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Predefined tools in derived class: Override OnPaint event?

I'm trying to create a ToolBar based on UltraToolbarsManager.
I want be able to add some pre defined tools which can be displayed or not.
My problem: The UltraToolbarsManager is a component and has no OnPaint method that I can override - so my question: How to do this?

    public class Toolbar: UltraToolbarsManager
        public PredefinedTools ToolsPredefined { get; private set; }
        public Toolbar2()
            this.ToolsPredefined = new PredefinedTools();

        protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)  //will not work, because of no method to override
            if (ToolsPredefined.New)
                Tools.Add(new ButtonTool("New"))

    public class PredefinedTools
        public bool New { get; set; }
        public bool Delete { get; set; }

Thank you for support!

  • 44743

    I'm not really sure what you are trying to accomplish here. Are you trying to enforce that a few tools are present at all times regardless of the customizations made by the user?

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