Hi Mike, I am using ultra combo in my application. I set value member and display member. But if my Display member string is multi line then it is displaying some special characters in Combos text area.Is there any way to stop it?
I'm not sure. Perhaps the problem is with the characters you are using for line breaks. Are you using just CR or CRLF?
Does it show up correctly when not in edit mode? What about when it is in edit mode?
Have you tried setting the same text on an Inbox TextBox to see if it does the same thing?
Do you have the latest Hot Fix?
Perhaps you should Submit an incident to Infragistics Developer Support and include a sample demonstrating this so they can check it out.
Mike Saltzman"] I'm not sure. Perhaps the problem is with the characters you are using for line breaks. Are you using just CR or CRLF?
I am Using CRLF for line break.
Mike Saltzman"] Does it show up correctly when not in edit mode? What about when it is in edit mode?
If it is not in Edit mode then it is displaying first line only. And if it is in Edit mode then it is displaying both lines text but in place of line break character it is displaying special character.
Mike Saltzman"] Have you tried setting the same text on an Inbox TextBox to see if it does the same thing?
I am not getting what do you mean Inbox TextBox ?
Mike Saltzman"] Do you have the latest Hot Fix?
No I don't have latest Hot Fix. Is there any incident like this which is aleready reported?
Thanks & Regards,
Did you try "\r"?
I tried with '\r\n' and '\n' but in both cases it is giving problem. Which are other characters being used as the line breaks?
That makes sense. As I said, the Infragistics controls use an MS TextBox only when in edit mode. It sounds to me like you may need to modify the characters being used as the line breaks. You probably need to replace CRLF with just LF or maybe just CR so that the strings display properly in DotNet.
I tried same thing with normal windows combo box, text box and Ultra text editor.In normal combobox / textbox it is not behaving differently when it is in edit mode and not in edit mode it is always displaying special character for 'Enter' keyword. But in ultra texteditor/Combobox it is not displaying next line text when it is not in edit mode.
Ganesh Patil said:Have you tried setting the same text on an Inbox TextBox to see if it does the same thing?
I meant the System.WindowsForms.TextBox control. The standard, basic, TextBox.
Ganesh Patil said:No I don't have latest Hot Fix. Is there any incident like this which is aleready reported?
I'm not sure. You would need to contact developer support to find out. But getting the latest Hot Fix probably can't hurt. :)
Anyway, the TextBox control has a property for MultiLine and I don't see any such property on the UltraComboEditor. So I'm not sure it can support multi-line text. When the control goes into edit mode, it display a Microsoft TextBox control over itself for editing, anyway. So when you see those special characters, it's not the combo doing that, it's the TextBox control. Which is why I asked about setting the same text on the TextBox to see if the same thing happens.
Even if mutliline does work, you should be aware that there is a known limitation with auto-complete. The autocomplete functionality will not work correctly with multiline text because of the way the TextBox raises events.