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Save settings to XML


I'm trying to save my grid settings to XML by using

Sender.DisplayLayout.SaveAsXml(oStream, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.PropertyCategories.All) (Sender is an object equating to the grid)  Trouble is, is that by using .ALL it is causing me some grief when it comes to using a different database connection as it's producing some very strange results when I point it at a different database.

Basically I have one WinClient .exe that can access a wide range of databass (the databases are all the same structural wise but differ in data - they are customers data in effect and one database per customer)

Basically all I want to be able to save is the columns within the grid, minus data, the position of the column and it's size.  with the .ALL in play it is also savng some data in specific cases and also data is saved if we have any value lists within the grids.

If somebody could point me in the right direction I would appreciate it



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    Hi Lee,

    Could you be a bit more specific about what is getting saved that you don't want? The DisplayLayout.Save method cannot possibly save any data. The grid cannot save anything row or cell-related.

    Perhaps what you need to do is use the Bands category, instead of All. This will save just the bands and columns and exclude things like sorting or filtering. 
