I have got a user control ( basically a formatted textbox and some other features). and one of the feature is Spell checker which is integrated into the control.
my problem is i have got an appstylist which is basically used for entire application which i get from the resources of the project. and i want the spell checker to use the same file as its appstylist. i couldnt find any property associated with the spell checker.
the base user control ( is in another project) ... it exposes properties ... UseAppStylist, StyleSetName, StyleLibraryName which i have tried to set, but still it has got the standard appearance.
can any please suggest how to resolve this issue.
Thank you very much for you help.
You must create two new style sets in your style library. They must be named 'SpellCheckDialog' and 'SpellCheckDialog_DropShadow'. You can base these style sets on the default style sets and the spell check dialog will pick up the same appearances as everything else.
i dont know whether i am doing right or wrong,
what i did i tried to add two new files ( bascally the same isl file -- app stylist file to my project resources file).
and i have used the following code on initialization
but this doesnt work for me.
can you please suggest how to do this.
Thank you for your help.