I have been trying to effectively add another band(1) to the UltraWinGrid programmaticlly.
Understanding I need to use a datasource, which I am using a datatable that is programmaticlly built.
I also viewed several postings and web searches that focus on UltraWebGrids. Once in particular : http://forums.infragistics.com/forums/p/12527/46572.aspx, just states what you can use and what you have to use.
I am looking for a simple example on how to add an expandable band.
Thanks in advance.
'Create the root band
Me.UltraDataSource1.Band.Key = "RootBand"Me.UltraDataSource1.Band.Columns.Add("Column Name", GetType(String))
'Set the row count
'set the row number and populate the column
row = Me.UltraDataSource1.Rows(0)row("Column Name") = "Some text here"
'To Create a child band of the root band
'Declare the child band and add columns
Dim childBand As UltraDataBand = _ Me.UltraDataSource1.Band.ChildBands.Add("CHILDBAND1KEY")
childBand.Columns.Add("Column Name", GetType(String))
'Declare the childRows, set row count, and populate columns
Dim childRows As UltraDataRowsCollection = row.GetChildRows("CHILDBAND1KEY")childRows.SetCount(1)childRows(0)("Column Name") = "Some text here"
'To Create a child band of the previous child band "childband"
'Declare childband2, and add columns to childband2
Dim childBand2 As UltraDataBand = _ Me.UltraDataSource1.Band.ChildBands(0).ChildBands.Add("CHILDBAND2KEY")
childBand2.Columns.Add("Column Name", GetType(String))
'Declare ChildRows2 as a child of childRows, set row count, and populate columns
Dim childRows2 As UltraDataRowsCollection = childRows(0).GetChildRows("CHILDBAND2KEY")childRows2.SetCount(1)childRows2(0)("Column Name") = "Some text here"
'To Create a child band of the previous child band "childBand2"
'Declare childband3, and add columns to childband3
Dim childBand3 As UltraDataBand = _ Me.UltraDataSource1.Band.ChildBands(0).ChildBands(0).ChildBands.Add("CHILDBAND3KEY")
childBand3.Columns.Add("Column Name", GetType(String))
'Declare ChildRows3 as a child of childRows2, set row count, and populate columns
Dim childRows3 As UltraDataRowsCollection = childRows2(0).GetChildRows("CHILDBAND3KEY")childRows3.SetCount(1)childRows3(0)("Balloon") = "Some text here"
You should start to get the pattern by now. For each level down, you add a ChildBands(0)when you declare the childband.
' Then, just bind it to the Grid
Me.UltraGrid1.DataSource = Me.UltraDataSource1
Hope this helps.
I'll emphasize why jhammer80 uses a WinDataSource in this scenario.
WinGrid is an entirely data bound control, and doesn't provide the capability to directly add bands. WinDataSource, however, allows the programmer to define the schema of the data, including whatever bands are desired.
Another option is to add a second table to the DataSet, establish a DataRelation between the two tables, and bind the grid to the DataSet. Data rows in the second table that are recognized as child data rows (as defined through the DataRelation) will display in the second band as child grid rows.