Due to corporate standards, I'm being forced to use a different 3rd party spell checker.
Is there any way that I can wire the actual checking of spelling from the UltraWinSpellChecker to a 3rd party engine?
I'd really, really like to avoid having to implement all of the IUltraSpellChecker interface, when I just want to control which words are flagged as mispellings and provide the suggestions.
Its difficult to say. Whatever scenario you are trying to accomplish would not be supported and probably would not work correctly.
What about the UltraSpellChecker doesn't conform to your corporate standards? Maybe these issues can be fixed.
That's kind of what I was afraid of...
It's not that the Infragistics spell checker doesn't meet our standards, but more that there is a different 3rd party which is the standard to use.
I'll just have to work out the political issues.