I have 50 properties in my BaseRow class. When I use the code mentioned below,the column order is random. BaseRow's properties are named col1,col2,col3....and so onupto col50. The ultragrid shows very random column order. I checked while debugging that the roots object contains perfect order. But when the columns are added in the Grid,the order is random.BaseRow headerrow = new BaseRow();BindingList<BaseRow> roots = new BindingList<BaseRow>();roots.Add(headerrow); ultraGrid1.DataSource = roots;
Please help,Regards,Sid.
If you want to control the order, bind the grid to a bindingsource with your object typoe in design time and reorder them as you like. In run time set the list as the data source of the bindingsource. See here:
No I dont want to do anything at the design time. I simply have 50 properties. The property names becomethe column header names. I am using BindingList class.The propeties are in the order col1, col2, col3 ...and so on.Then why does the grid show randomly ordered columns??Regards,Sid.