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No ActiveRow after delete
Hi, i have a simple problem, but i'm not able to solve it (in a simple way, without BeforeRowsDeleted, AfterRowsDeleted etc...) Is there a possibility to have always an active row? After deletion of the active row, the user is not able to press delete again, because ActiveRow == null. First he has to click into the grid, then he can delete the next row. The System.Windows.Forms.TreeView control selects the next node after deletion. How can i change this behavior? thanks,
  • 1467

    The code below is what I did to partially solve this problem. DataAccess.DeleteRow is a method that deletes the row from the database and the dataset that is bound to the grid. 

    I thinki that if Inragistics spent more time making their existing code do what it should do, instead of adding features, we wouldn't need hacks like this. 

                void M3EditableGrid_BeforeRowsDeleted(object sender, BeforeRowsDeletedEventArgs e)


                      UltraGridRow[ rows = e.Rows;

                      if (rows.Length > 0 && RemoveButton != null)


                            foreach (UltraGridRow row in rows)


                                  if (row.HasPrevSibling())

                                        _previousRow = row.GetSibling(SiblingRow.Previous);


                                        _previousRow = row.ParentRow;

                                  DataAccess.DeleteRow(row, (DataSet)this.DataSource);




                            e.Cancel = true;



                void M3EditableGrid_AfterRowsDeleted(object sender, EventArgs e)


                      if (_previousRow != null)




                      UpdateButtons(); ;




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