I am working on a desktop application using c#.NET. I am using UltrawinGrid in one of my screens. I want one row UltraGrid to consist of multiple rows. In other words I want there should be multiple rows in one UltrGrid Row i.e more vertical space within UltraGrid Row. Is there any way I can set the height of UlrtaGrid Row. Is there any solution available?
Thnx in advance
Hi Azif,
There are two ways to do this. One way is to use Groups and Levels. You create groups in the band, assign each column to a group, set the LevelCount on the band, and then you can move colmuns around to different levels.
The other way, which is more flexible, is to use RowLayouts. RowLayouts allows you to have cells that span multiple levels and can be arranged into all sorts of unusual layouts. The down side of RowLayouts is that they are a bit more complicated and also they are incomaptible with certain other features of the grid like fixed headers.
Hi Mike
First of all thank you so much for your response.
Maybe I could not make myself clear. Let me explain.
Right now I start entering in a grid row all the data is entered in the same text row. Even if I press enter cursor does not move to the next text line. By pressing Tab I move to the next Grid Row. I want grid Row to be like a textBox where I can preset Height and width and user can enter multiple lines of text within one row of grid. I also tried to bind TextEditor with UltraGrid from grid's EditorControl property, but may be this is not the proper way. Can you guide me.
And if you still think the solution provided by you is correct then kindly explain it briefly because I had added grop and setting its LevelCount is not helping i think.
Thank you so much once again
Thank you so much.
This is exactly what I wanted.
Thnak you so much once again for your time and concern.
Oh, okay, it sounds like you want the user to enter multiple lines of text into the same cell. In that case, you need to set the CellMultiLine property.