I see the CardView and RowLayout examples that show the rows being displayed vertically. However I do not see what property is set to make this happen. Can anyone point me in the right direction to get the rows to display vertically?
Thanks in advance,
Hi Tom,
CardView is turned on from a particular Band. So you can do something like:
UltraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].CardView = true;
RowLayouts can be used in conjuction with CardView but in reality you are simply specifying a location for a Column Header and it's Cell. The entire RowLayouts discussion is in the help collection and can be found here.
I would prefer to use rowlayouts programatically. It appears that help is for the designer. Is there any help on how to use rowlayouts programatically? Also just to be sure, it is possible to get the column headers on the left side of the grid using rowlayout correct?
Thanks again,
It's pretty complicated to set up a RowLayout at run-time. You have to understand GridBagLayouts and how they work. Basically, you would use the column.RowLayoutColumnInfo properties such as OriginX, OriginY, SpanX, and SpanY.
You can have the headers appear on the left of the cell within each card, yes. But I don't think you can have the headers all on the left and the cells only in the cards like you can with the regular card view.