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I can't figure out this child's behaviour

Yeah I know the title sounds funny. It is, but like kids they are going to make me crazy. 

Ok here is the stiuation. I need to get the transactiontableid datavalue if it is changed (band 2) then the elementid displaytext (band 1?) and the AllocatorID (band 2 child 1?) and then change the value list in RuleName (band 2 child 1 child 1?). The valuelist for RuleName would also be changed for all allocatordetail childs in such manner. I have tried Parent, Selected row and nothing is working. Please help and thank you....

url for full image is 

Grid Confusion





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  • 37774

    If you're trying to do this in something like CellChange or AfterCellUpdate, then you should have a reference to the TransactionTableID cell.  You can get this value, then look at the ParentRow.ChildBands[ElementDetailKey].Rows[0] for the ElementID (you might wan to look at the Text property of the cell).  To get the AllocatorID, it looks like it's just the first child row, so you'd have row.ChildBands[0].Rows[0].Cells["AllocatorID"].  Similarly to get at the RuleName, you'd look at the child row in the same way off of the AllocatorDetail row.

    Were there additional parts of this that were giving you trouble?  I'm not sure that I fully understood when you are trying to do this and which problems you were facing.

