Currently, we do not provide an Italian dictionary file. We will look to add one in the future, but at this time we don't have a time frame for that addition.
I need an italian dict. too.
Or I need a solution to bind external, third party dict. to the spell checker.
Is there a general standard in the world to bind dict´s?
E.g. that I can use the dict. from Word or Open Office.
Is there an interface for such a senario implemented in Spell checker?
Best regards,
Ok, here are the converted files:
Caro Mike,
Abbiamo dovuto aspettare più di un anno, ma finalmente abbiamo il dizionario italiano. Ringrazio, di cuore, Te e tutto lo staff della Infragistics.
Cordiali saluti - Lello
Thanks Lello !
Ce l'abbiamo fatta ! :-)
Hello ,
I have submitted the following development item : # 33353 . If you would like to follow the progress of this issue in the future you could contact our Developer Support Manager at: or just contact us and we will be glad to let you know about it.
If you have any other questions please do not hesitate to ask.
The related case to this issue is the following: CAS-46446-C1LB3H
Hello gestionale,
Could you please try to attach, if possible, a small sample project, reproducing the above mentioned issue, I will be happy to take a look at it?
I've noticied that it works with v9.1 version but not with v11.1.
I've tried the italian .DICT file, but it doesn't work. I've set the Dictionary property of UltraSpellChecker to my italian .DICT file and also put the LanguageParse = Italian.
this.ultraSpellChecker1.Dictionary = @"C:\Users\7M26-LB-00037N\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\InfraSpellChecker\InfraSpellChecker\60000_ItalianWords.dict";
this.ultraSpellChecker1.SpellOptions.LanguageParser = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSpellChecker.LanguageType.Italian;