I'm trying to set a starting height so that the buttons don't run off the bottom of the overflow area. Basically in my picture I need the treeview area to be smaller and the group buttons to move up. Basically the splitter is moved up an inch or two at run-time. I can move the splitter up at design time but not as much as I need. I've tried just about every property at r/t and can't seem to get it right.
Any help is appreciated.
Increase the value of the NavigationMaxGroupHeaders property.
Thanks for the reply. I set the NavigationMaxGroupHeaders to 8 from 3 (at design time and r/t) and I still get 6 group headers. I need to display 7 group headers when the application starts. Do you have any other suggestions?
This issue was resolved. The maxgroupheaders works when there isn't other settings overriding it by the LoadFromXml method of the control. Not sure what they were but I removed this method call and it behaves as expected now.
Thanks, Steve
Unless the value of the selected group's ContainerHeight property is too large to allow it, or the control's height too small, setting it to 8 should show 8 groups, assuming there are that many. If you can post a simple zipped sample we can try to figure out what's going on.