i have a chart with months running along the x axis. there is also all the column names running along the x axis also. How can i get rid of the column names but leave the months. I have tried: Me.chartname.Axis.X.Labels.Visible = True, but that hides all axis data.
Thanks in advance
It sounds like you are trying to hide the Series Labels of a Column Chart...
Me.UltraChart1.Axis.X.Labels.SeriesLabels.Visible = False
should do that for you.
Which ChartType are you using? Can you attach an image to show more of what you are after?
Sorry i have taken so long to reply, i am still interesetd in your help
I would like to keep the months and the legends but get rid of the unpaid, %change etc series data
thanks for any help that you can provide
ps i have another chart doing the same thing only this chart is a composite columnline chart
that didnt work for me as there seem to be two sets of series
I have two charts both doing the same thing only one of them is a composite chart. dont know if that makes a difference. the windows generated code for these charts and the charts that behave as expected seems to be the same.
all and any help will be greatfully recieved.