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ultradropdownbutton sample

please can somebody point me in the direction of a really simple example of how to use an ultradropdownbutton.

all i need to do is create a dropdown button with three standard menu entries on it.

i've had a look at the sample app that comes with NetAdvantage 2008 vol 1 and its so overly complicated that i just don't seem to be able to get my head around it...

thanks in advance


  • 469350
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    Hi Chris,

    The UltraDropDownButton needs some other control to provide the dropdown portion. So if you wat to drop down a menu, you will need to use an UltraToolbarsManager, as well.

    So a simple case would be something like this:

    Place an UltraDropDownButton and an UltraToolBarsManager on a form.

    Right click on the ToolbarsManager and select "Customize.."

    At the top of the designer is a row of tabs. Go to the Tools tab and add the tools (probably buttons) that you want to put on the menu.

    Then select the PopupMenuToolDesigner tab. Here, you can create a popup menu and populate it with the items (buttons) you want.

    Close the ToolBarsManager Designer and go to the DropDownButton and take a look at the PopupItem property. You can drop down a list here and it will display the names of all of the available PopupMenuItem in the toolbar, so you just pick the one you created.

    To handle what happens when the user clicks a menu item, you use the ToolClick event of the ToolbarsManager.


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