1、Now if I do not click the button of ultraCombo, the Dropdown grid of ultraCombo can not be shown automatically,How to let the dropdown grid of ultraCombo is shown when I key in the ultraCombo?2、 When the input value doesn't match the value of ultraCombo, how to make the cursor stay in the ultraCombo?
UltraCombo support automatic value completion via the AutoCompleteMode property (added with 2008.3 release). Setting the property to Suggest causes the dropdown to automatically show the entries whose display text begins with the contents of the edit portion.
If you just want to show the dropdown when any key is pressed, you could handle the KeyDown event and call the PerformAction method with an action of 'DropDown'.
Brian Fallon, thank for your answer, I know I can use performaction with DropDown to show it, Now how to know the grid is already shown, if it's shown ,I don't need to run performaction with dropdown?