Hi, In my summary dialog, For my bool column, i want to enable only count checkbox, others should be disabled. I could able to hide and visible false the checkboxes, but i couldn't able to disable. This is my sample code,
foreach (Control currentControl in e.SummaryDialog.Controls[0].Controls) { if (currentControl is CheckBox) { if (e.Column.DataType.Equals(typeof(System.Boolean)) && (!currentControl.Text.Equals("Count")) { currentControl.Enabled = false; //currentControl.Visible = false } } }
Please tell me whats wrong with that code and what i have to do, to disable checkboxes.
Regards, Micky
Hi Micky,
My guess is that the checkboxes enabled state it being set by the dialog after you set it. So it may not be possible to do this.
What event did you put this code in? Perhaps there is another event you could use that occurs after the enabled states have been set.
i am using "BeforeSummaryDialog" event for do this operation. Using this event i could hide or visible false the checkboxes, but can't disable the checkbox. Please guide me which event i can use