in Version 8.3 we used
<grid>.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].ColHeadersVisible = false;
to hide the Header. In the new version 9.1 this leads to an empty field where the header had been.
But we want to complete remove them. How can I do this?
For example we had an 18 high layoutcell. This cell contains a UltraGrid. Becaus off missing Space an other reasens I only whant to show 1 row. Now I see no row but the empty space for the Header.
Best regard
Hi Wolfgang,
This is a known bug and will be fixed in the next hot fix. I am forwarding your post to Developer Support so they can add you to the list and you can be notified when the Hot Fix becomes available.
In the mean time, I beleive you can work around the problem by setting GroupHeadersVisible to false, in addition to ColHeadersVisible.
Could you add me also to the list of those notified when this problem is fixed, as I too am experiencing this issue after just upgrading to 2009.1.
Also, the first place I checked about this was your "Known Issues" section which said nothing. As this really is a known issue, I think it really ought to be there.
Thanks a lot