I looked in my "Add/Remove Programs" for an Infragistics Hotfix. I do not see one.I see the Infragistics 2008 vol.1 CLR 2.0 (141 MB), the Infragistics AppStylist 2008 vol.1 CLR 2.0, the 2008 SDK and the 2008 Help.How do you suggest that I uninstall the hotfix for 2123?
look at the top of the window. There should be a checkbox named "Show Updates". If you're using Vista, there is a link on the left to show updates.
I have never noticed that checkbox. I did remove the 2123 hotfix. I also removed the 2150 hotfix.
I am back to the 2008 vol.1 build 1000, and I still can't get the 2150 hotfix to show up in the references.
I did notice that when I installed the 2150 hotfix, the add/remove programs listed it under the AppStylist and not the WinForms. Is that correct?
My 2123 hotfix is listed under the WinForms and the AppStylist.
Any ideas?