I am having one heck of a time trying to trap the Delete key from an ultracombo...I have been playing with both the KeyDown and PreviewKeyDown events and I've had great success with all other keys, including stubborn ones like Tab and the arrow keys, even Backspace, but I just can't trap Delete.
I've tried the GetAsyncKeyState function from the User32 Lib (recommended by numerous dev forums for regular MS controls) with no luck...
Anyone have any ideas?Thanks!
The KeyDown event works fine for me.
Just came back to this issue... I must not have been paying attention... I had the Delete key as a toolbar item shortcut and that's why I couldn't trap it!
Sorry for wasting your time MikeThanks!
Hi all,
Why aren't keys trapped when they are set as shortcut? Is there a way to avoid this behavior?
I've to perceive when a method is call by a shortcut or a mouse click.
My idea was to trap the shortcut before the method was called with the KeyDown event and setting "PreviewKey = true".
Hi Leonardo,
The event which is firing when you use the shortcut key is called 'ToolClick'. This is the event that is firing when a tool is clicked too. Other events are 'ToolKeyDown' and 'ToolKeyUp' when a key is pressed when a tool has the "focus".