I'm making an MDI application in which I would like to use the AppStylist for the mdi parent and childs. It works fine except for a mdi child called with the ShowDialog() method. Each form has the UltraToolBarsManager. If the ribbon is visable I get the round (office 2007) icon in the titlebar of the dialog, which I don't want. When I set the Visable property of the ribbon to false and the FormDisplayStyle to RoundedSizable it seems almost ok, except that the minimize, maximize and close button are not styled properly. Is there a way to style a modal form the same way as a non-modal form (having the same titlebar)?
I'm afraid I do not understand what you mean. You cannot show an MDI Child form using ShowDialog. This results in an exception " Form that is not a top-level form cannot be displayed as a modal dialog box. Remove the form from any parent form before calling showDialog."
Of course, you are right. It is a mdi application, but when starting a model form I do not set the MdiParent property. So I should rephrase my question to how to style a modal form without having the round ribbon icon (so just a titlebar, like a non-modal form in an MDI application).