I have built a bound grid that has a column called [SALES] and there is a summary with a Key called [TotalSales]
I added an unbound column called [PerOfSales] that uses the following calculation with CalcManager
[SALES] / [TotalSales()] and is formated as a percent ###,0.00%
It displays on the grid as advertised, but when I go to export it to Excel, it bombs with an error on that field.
"A binary operator in the formula is missing an operand after it.Portion with error: B2 / "
OK, I can understand that it is being sent to Excel with a formula it does not understand. SO, I change the ExportFormulas to False and then I get complete garbage in Excel.
So, now I am relinquished to having to build loops and formulas on the CellExported to add the formulas so the user sees the same thing on the grid, which is not much different from just using the grid and interop I was before I bought this product.
Sent it to support and after a day and a half got back to format the cells on the CellExported Event, um NOT. It is not a formating error. I do computations off of summaries all of the time, and if it can't export that, it was a big WASTE of money and I will go back to DEV Express grids and compute on the way in again.
What am I missing here?
Had that same issue. It appears when they build the formula, they are setting the math on single cells in Excel. So, doing math logically on the sum in Excel would be similar to: = sum(B1/(A:A)) , which would divide the contents of Cell B1 by the sum of column A.
What they do on the export is add the sum to your summary column and do the math off of that single number in excel. So, if the summary ended up in A100, the formula they create is =sum(B1/A100)
So, unless the named reference is contained in the output, it does not know how to do the math on it in Excel. If you put the named reference value in one of the summary columns, it will export and do the math.
I just updated and tested and I am still seeing the same behavior. On second look, it appears that the original poster is using the sum of a column as the divisor whereas I am using a named reference as the divisor. Could this issue please be reopened with the new info?
We applied a fix for this issue, and the fix has been published in the current service release. The fix was applied as part of development issue 17817.
The service release is available for download on the My Keys and Downloads page of our website, for those who have a registered license key.
One of my clients experiencing the same issue. Any update on this issue? Is there a fix available?
I've reassigned the support case you had logged to another Developer Support Engineer to follow up on this. As Mike mentioned, this looks like it'll require our developers to review and to likely fix.