I have built a bound grid that has a column called [SALES] and there is a summary with a Key called [TotalSales]
I added an unbound column called [PerOfSales] that uses the following calculation with CalcManager
[SALES] / [TotalSales()] and is formated as a percent ###,0.00%
It displays on the grid as advertised, but when I go to export it to Excel, it bombs with an error on that field.
"A binary operator in the formula is missing an operand after it.Portion with error: B2 / "
OK, I can understand that it is being sent to Excel with a formula it does not understand. SO, I change the ExportFormulas to False and then I get complete garbage in Excel.
So, now I am relinquished to having to build loops and formulas on the CellExported to add the formulas so the user sees the same thing on the grid, which is not much different from just using the grid and interop I was before I bought this product.
Sent it to support and after a day and a half got back to format the cells on the CellExported Event, um NOT. It is not a formating error. I do computations off of summaries all of the time, and if it can't export that, it was a big WASTE of money and I will go back to DEV Express grids and compute on the way in again.
What am I missing here?
I'm sorry this is giving you trouble. You should not have to jump through hoops to get this to work, the exporter should be properly converting the grid formula into a formula that excel can understand. So the initial error here indicates a problem.
I just tested this out with a small sample project and I am getting the same error. This is pretty clearly a bug in the ExcelExporter and it has nothing to do with the formatting - the formula is not getting properly converted from the grid to Excel.
I am forward this thread to the Developer Support team so they can write this up for developer review and get it fixed.
Oh, before I am asked. When setting ExportFormulas to False, I get bad data in the first half of the rows in that column, then the rest are null. The data is also set to text for that row regardless of the formatting I push it.