hello everyone Is there any method to set the size of Expansion indicator (+ sign in Hierarchical Grid)??? thanks Shital
Hi Shital,
There is no property for this. The only way to do it is to use a CreationFilter. And then you are limited to the size of the available area.
You should submit a feature request to Infragistics.
Request a Feature or Component
I have tried my best at using a CreationFilter for this, but am only able to move the image around and not actually resize it. If I set the size in the Rect property of the UIElement, I just get more spacing around the image itself. I also downloaded the sample posted here but it does not work for me (the expansion indicators are not resized, just the space around them as in my own implementation). Can you offer any further details on how the CreationFilter might be used to accomplish this?
Sure enough - turning off UseOsThemes worked great! Thanks for your quick response. Might I suggest adding that change to the sample found here:
Thanks again,
Hi Tristan,
The first thing that springs to mind is that the ExpansionIndicator is themed. I am pretty sure that the Themed drawing does not allow resizing. If that's the case, then this is very easy to fix by turning off themes.
Try setting grid.UseOsThemes to false and see if that helps. This will turn off themes on the whole grid and should allow the expansion indicators to resize.
If that works, but you don't want to turn off themes on the whole grid, then you would have to turn off themes just on the expansion indicators. I'm not sure how to do that off the top of my head, but there are a couple of basic approaches I would try. One is to do it with application styling, but that might be overkill. The other way would be to derive your own UIElement from the grid's ExpansionIndicatorUIElement and override InitAppearance and set the Apperarance.ThemedElementAlpha to Transparent.